Serving the Rail Industry

Rail Slider PhotoThe rail industry has a long, romantic past. Images of hard-working men who built the railroads, like John Henry, still captivate, and thoughts of the glamorous Orient Express continue to float in people’s minds like the delicate curl of smoke from a pipe.

But through the decades, the rail industry has evolved into an efficient, professional, and valuable commodity for moving large amounts of freight long distances. Passenger rail travel in the United States has declined, with Amtrak being the sole passenger rail provider.

Today, the rail industry is about getting the job done safely and delivering on time, the same principles JMI brings to every job.

JMI understands the unique needs of the rail industry, from maintaining safe railroad tracks to keeping locomotives and freight cars in top condition.

Services for the Rail Industry

Rail industry officials depend upon JMI for the following expert outsourced machining services:

  • Machining
  • Fabricating
  • Assembly
  • Burning

In today’s fast-changing business environment, it is important that specialized operations such as the rail industry find a trusted outsourcing partner.

With innovative management systems, state-of-the-art equipment, and a deep dedication to customer service, JMI stands ready to work with rail industry customers to deliver parts, large or small, that exceed their needs, on time, and at a reasonable cost.

By obtaining a reliable machining outsourcing partner, companies in the rail industry can then focus their attention on their own growth, knowing their machining needs will be met.

The Future of the Rail Industry

The Wall Street Journal recently discussed the past and the future of the rail industry.

Though it has seen difficult times, the rail industry is back on track, developing increased safety measures, planning capacity additions, and even looking to develop the passenger railroad industry again, adding efficient transportation services, thus reviving a romantic tradition for today’s travelers.

A Unique Leadership Position

JMI’s progressive, comprehensive, and proactive quality measures mean that no other machining company can deliver such high-quality parts with such a fast turnaround time. Leadership Through Quality is the foundation of JMI. It is the guiding force for every action on every job.

  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Progressive management systems
  • In-house production provides significant cost savings to customers
  • Unbeaten efficiency
  • Reliability

High-quality products machined by certified experts and delivered on time at an affordable price make JMI an industry leader.

View the equipment we offer now.